Ragdoll Rumble (Brooke, Ashley Stanley-Webb, Otterly_Butterly, up2101182, UP2115486)
Welcome to Ragdoll Rumble!
Take control of a red or blue pirate with a friend, and see who can last longest without walking the plank!
There are two players - red and blue. The goal is to either push the other player off of the boat, or to tire them out so much they can no longer move.
Red - Movement with "WASD", Jump with "\", and Punch with "Q" and "E".
Blue - Movement with "IJKL", Jump with "/", and Punch with "U" and "O".
You both have a stamina meter - it's used up when punching, jumping, and getting hit. It regenerates after you wait a second without using it - but don't take it for granted - getting hit reduces your maximum stamina PERMANENTLY!
Droplets of rain, snow, and tar regularly drop onto this ship. Touch one, and the terrain will get wet - watch out for slipping! It can also become icy, with no friction at all, and tarry, which makes you stick to the floor - try jumping out!
Matthew Lindsay (2115486) - Executive Producer
Ashley Stanley-Webb (2150699) - Main Gameplay Programmer, Animator
Brooke Rhodes (2124791) - UI and Gameplay Programmer
Max Ottesen (2089319) - Lead 2D Artist, Environmental Designer
Robin Buck (2101182) - Executive 3D Modeller
- Ragdoll mesh: https://github.com/dci05049/Active-Ragdoll-Tutorial-Unity