Ragdoll Sandbox is a game about draining the ever-living-live out of the bodyguard.
right mouse: used to look around
left mouse: used to select, grab and move objects around(in sandbox mode)
W, a, s and d: used to move the camera around
Space: Go up
Modifying objects:
r and t: used to rotate a clicked-on object around the x axis
f and g: used to rotate a clicked-on object around the y axis
y and h: used to scale an object
Selecting and spawning:
e and q/up and down: used to select different objects
Tab: Spawn object that is selected (you can know when an object is selected in the bottom left)
control: Spawn a ragdoll
just remember the game is in early beta and isn't remotely done yet. I would definitely like any kind of feedback!
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Oct 5, 2020
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