Rage Against the Cuisine
NGJ 2018 Submission
You play as the clumsiest waiter ever hired by a popular fancy restaurant! It's rush hour and the customers are hungry! Stack up some plates and get a move on, and make sure to smile so you get a big tip!
4 Team Members
Dennis Lorenz - Art and Production Stefan Henke & Alexander Nikulin - Programming and GameDesign Jan Flessel - Music and Sound
Played with Mouse and Keyboard, Move Left and Right with A and D, use the Mouse up and down to raise and lower your hand.
Carry the dishes from the kitchen to the customers - make sure that you don't serve the wrong dish to customers, or hit them in the face while you carry them.
Note: There are a few broken things, as is suitable for a game about breaking things, and there is no win screen. keep an eye on the money score on the top to get an idea of how much you owe your (now former) employer.
Thanks for Playing!