Random Acts of Physics 2: The Big Red F

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Just over a year ago, I was like "Hey, I know how to program, I should make a game". The result was the timeless classic in physics based platformers, Random Acts of Physics, which you should play if you haven't. In it's time, that game was streamed on Twitch at least twice (by friends or friends of friends), and earned me multiple threats of bodily harm and at least one "I am throwing my computer out of a window". So naturally, I felt it would only be appropriate to celebrate the one year anniversary by finally getting around to making a sequel. 

See, when I finished the first one, I actually had a few level ideas left over. So I took them, added some new ones, ramped the difficulty up, and packaged it all for your direct consumption! I would give a "yay capitalism", except I'm not charging anything for this. Yay communism?  Anyway, play my sequel, it's very hard and you'll hate it.

Why you should download it:

  • It's free!
  • Twenty (20) whole brand new levels of content! And ten (10) bonus levels!
  • It might, according to some definitions of the word, even count as a "sequel"!
  • It's very annoying!
  • Up to three (3) hours of gameplay, or maybe more if you're bad!
  • Download numbers going up make me happy!
  • It's free!

I'd say I hope you enjoy, but there was zero love involved in this process. Only hate.

Will I make something original next? Or will it be another derivative physics based platformer? Will I ever stop using sarcastic self deprecating humour to escape criticism? Find out in 4 months when I once again remember I have an itch.

Also follow me on Twitter if you want, I'm only gonna post when I finish a game, so: https://twitter.com/cahatstrophe

Release date
Cahatstrophe Games
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Nov 29, 2021

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