Randungeon (itch)
A roguelike made for the Gotm.io Jam #5
Controls: MOVEMENT/ATTACK KEYSLetter keysNumpad keysFunctionQ7Moves ↖W8Moves ⬆E9Moves ↗A4Moves ⬅D6Moves ➡Z1Moves ↙S or X2Moves ⬇C3Moves ↘Space5Skips a turnOTHER KEYSHShows helpMMutes/unmutes the gameGHides/shows the grid Asset credits:- Animalese.js
- Kenney Impact Sounds
- Kenney 1-bit pack
- KCaze's 1-bit Fantasy Creatures
- The Cynic Project / cynicmusic.com - Sirens in Darkness (music link here)
- Godot Engine v3.2.2 Stable Official
- LibreSprite v1.0-dev
- Audacity 2.4.1
- GDQuest, for the opensource codes on Random Generation.
- Harrk, for the explanation on how to use the A* algorithm for pathfinding in this video;
- Kerrie Lake, for the DREAMSCAPE8 palette. All the colors used should be here.
- Sucraiso, for feedback and playtesting.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jun 11, 2021
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