Rapoldipark Panopticon
EN: "Rapoldipark Panopticon" is an artistic examination of the ever increasing phenomeon of mass surveillance. Every Image captured is no longer just being stored and forgotten somwhere, but constantly beeing compared and judged by Algorythms, which crawl even into our bedrooms and most intimate moments. The borders between analouge and digital spaces is dissolving and with it goes the border between privat and puplic. As of today anonymity is no longer allowed exist in this world.
DE: "Rapoldipark Panopticon" ist eine künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit der zunehmenden Überwachung im öffentlichen Raum sowie im Privaten und der schleichenden Auflösung der Grenzen zwischen öffentlichem und Privatem durch alles durchdringende digitale Algorithmen.
Johannes Davies