Rayha's Poem
This game was created as a thesis project at the NYU Game Center.
Rayha’s Poem is a third person narrative platformer about a young girl running away to the mythical Fairyland to escape injustice. Drawing on themes of South Asian folklore and contemporary social issues, Rayha’s Poem seeks to tell a tale that’s both out of, as well as a product of, its time – a narrative that melds the always-relevant curse of forced marriage with the eternal dream of a land free from woe.
Credits:Primary Programming and 3D art by Gordon Lee
Design, Writing and Secondary Programming by Mostafa Haque
Starring Kate Smith as Rayha
Music by Jared Mills
QA by Justin Ha and Sean Park
Thesis Adviser: Bennet Foddy
Special thanks to
Frank Lantz
Matt Boch
Shak'ar Mujukian
Poe Sriwatanathamma
Nobonita Himani Bhowmik
Ben Andre