Ready Player One: OASIS beta reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Controls are really bad! Why is there only this nasty Teleport to get around? A normal Movement with the Occulus Stick would be much better! Then there are far too few Customization Options for the Avartar. The Guns are bad, Too. And where is the open World? The first impression is really lean, had expected more of the Game, even for nen freegame ...
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Nice little Collection of four Games. Underneath, a Squash Variant that's quite ok. A pretty bad Wave shooter. A Dungeon Crawler In which you can play seemingly nurt with a Bow. And a Co-op Shooter for 3 Players who would be quite entertaining If they were not the loud screaming Kiddies. Control takes some getting used to with the Oculus but works. Am also a Fan of Ready Player One but that's not something you need to have now. Nevertheless Thumbs high weils is free.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
This Collection of Mini-games isn't worth it so far, even if you're a Ready Player One Fan. This Game bears little Resemblance to the virtual World of Oasis described in the Book and depicted in the Film. In the Lobby, a beautiful Apartment with No interaction Options, there is not much to do except open an interactive virtual Menu and choose one of the four previous Mini-games. Each Game has the Character of a Demo rather than after a finished Game. There's a bad Waveshooter, a Shooter with free Movement and a Sports Game a Kind of pong squash as well as a Dungeon that has to be roamed with a Bow. All Games use Teleport as The only way To Get around, except for one Shooter. There are no MP games at the moment, but there is a Coop option in the Shooter game. I thought the Sports Game was quite nice. Who knows what else is to come. For nothing O.K. but no Duty. More Reviews:
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Already spent a few Hours outside Steam in this Game. In front of the Local of the Gauntlet Planet, I enjoy a lot. Definitely a Recommendation. If the Developers keep putting on new Parts here, it will certainly not get boring any time soon. ----------------------------A short Addendum for the eternal Nörgler. I can understand your Arguments well. But this is a BETA of a title that Has been free so far. With a BETA, I expect that it is far from complete. That Things are missing and that it is constantly being changed. I agree with you that the 4 Games that are currently in it, some of which smell like tech demos. I believe, however, that the Overall Concept Can be quite interesting. Still, the Gauntlet Part Remains a very Kurzwei-like game with, for me, some replay potential. I'm definitely looking forward to more Ingredients. Because the Range of Games n VR is still in a Phase where a lot is being tried. We will see which Concepts are survivable in a long term.