Real Bout Fatal Fury was first released in 1995, and is the 5th installment in the fighting game series. While based on the previous games, this version saw the incorporation of an independent Sway Button, and the introduction of a more evolved Combination Attack system and the Ring Out component, making for speedier and more enjoyable gameplay. Real Bout Fatal Fury features 16 playable fighters including, the Qin brothers (the boss characters from the previous installment), as well as user-favorites Billy Cane and Duck King. Cut through the ruthless competition and aim for the top!
This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance. See more Virtual Console games for Wii.
System requirements for iOS
System requirements for Wii
REAL BOUT FATAL FURY reviews and comments
If you can play it with friends you'll have a blast, but the "single campaign" is good too, just keep in mind that there are like 5 stages only (and every one of them have 3 slightly different variations) so it can be a little repetitive when playing that way, also it doesn't help that for every stage you have to beat 3 characters and every character 2 times. The music is great too, and the little backstory for every character after reaching the credits is a nice touch too. If you're a fighting game enthusiast and you see any version of this game on a good price, give it a go.