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You play a collegiate lesbian who was recently outed to her parents! You must guide her through the eight weeks before graduation and help her ReAlize her dreams.

ReAlize is a visual novel currently being developed by Tree Sisters team using Tyrano Builder for the Tyrano Builder Spring Jam 2017. The theme is Fresh Starts. The main character finds her current life "unsatisfactory," leading to a "fresh start." The game has been developed with the idea to give the player a problem to fix and a goal to achieve, and give the player a feeling of accomplishment and hope to ReAlize their own aspirations.

All photos are under Creative Commons license. All other art are under Creative Commons license. Any derivative works are currently not allowed.

ReAlize Demo includes Prologue and School Path. There are 6 endings, 2 of which can be obtained during Prologue. The full version of this game will include 4 paths and possibly 12 endings, excluding the 2 obtainable during Prologue. The script for School Path and Work Path are currently in re-write. Most of the art needs to be replaced. Music and Sound Effects needs to be added. It may be finished in three more years.

WARNINGS: Abandonment and threat of homelessness.


Guide to complete the game with Best Ending by the end of Week 8:

1. Earn $5000. (Do any work activity for 8 sessions per week.)

2. Pass the class with an A. (Attend school a minimum of 30 times.)

3. Attend all possible Presentation Group meetings. (There are 4.)

Additional hint: Every Sunday, a random event is triggered. You can only participate if you meet the stamina requirement.

For maximum gaming experience:

1. Auto-run function can cause stuttering and furiously blinking text. Please click the button AFTER all the current text has been displayed. Auto-run function also affects the Activities Run

2. DO NOT RIGHT CLICK during the Activities Run. It will crash the game.

3. If you encounter a bug, please leave details (week/day/encounter) in your comment.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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ReAlize screenshot, image №1067799 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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