Realm Rush - 3d Unity Game Developed by Ahsan Mahmood - Zaions
Realm Rush - 3d Unity Game Developed by Ahsan Mahmood (aoneahsan) - Zaions
3d Game Developed using Unity 2021, added a new unity input system, animations, sound, score system, lives system, enemies, and more.
I developed a fully functional 3d realm rush unity game in this project.
Here are some of the features covered in this project
- A complete functional game
- 3d Design
- 1 player
- Fun game experience
- Path Finding
For any suggestion or feedback please reach out to us at
To visit the developer portfolio please visit
Or to have a look at my other projects please have a look at
The rest of the contact info is available on the portfolio website and LinkedIn profile (and also here on this website's profile page).