RECYCLE reviews

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After about 9 Hours of play and about 20 Lets Play episodes to the Game "Recycle" Now also a few Words about the Game of Mir ... Unfortunately, you do not know God where to start the Game is in no way Top in others unfortunately also really terrible. Positive Aspects------------------The Basic Concept is really okay for anyone interested in the Activities of Waste collection, Recycle is a good Successor to the Waste collection Simulator 2009. The Mixture of Self-activity and the management aspect is well successful depending on the Type Of Player you can decide whether you prefer to drive all The routes yourself or whether you prefer to control and coordinate everything from the "Window." Negative Aspects-------------------When I learned that the Developer "Actalogic" was behind the Project, I was not without Reason skeptical after the Debacle Of the Agrar Simulator 11/12, I hoped that one learned something from the Mistakes of previous Titles but now ... It doesn't take anyone trying a Fact nice to talk the Game has a lot of Bugs .. Too many! If you look back at the Release Tag alone, where you couldn't even start the Game because System files were missing Then that's Nice to do so ne thing ... On a positative note, at least here in the Steamforum, the Problem was addressed and there was a lot of Help about this Problem. Unfortunately, this Error was not the only one that pulled down the Fun of The game In addition to divesern Crash'S in-game there were still Problems with the Congestion of the graphics cards (partly GPU Utilization of 98% as well as 80 Gard temperature) which, according to a short Response from the Developer Solved was "Yes 1x the File with Notepad + + open the Line search & put the number from 2 to 0 Ready" since I think more honestly why will such an acute Problem which damage graphic accusers can not immediately be ordered with a Hotfix or why did it not occur to the Developers ? After a Patch about 2-3 Days after Release, the first gross Errors were advertised, among other things, the crashes & various Teething problems, unfortunately, there are currently still bugs that make the Game simply unplayable in some Places, for example, would be the "Waste Strain" After emptying Autopolit do not "delete" so that you can completely empty again (!) Garbage Trucks have to tip out so you can load another Waste Strain ... Conclusion------Recycle is not for the Ton like one or the other thinks but you can't praise it in the Sky or try to talk everything nicely .. Fact is the Concept behind it is really good & further expandable you realize that there are Prospective buyers of such a Game BUT the Implementation just needs to get better .. If you hide all the rough Bugs & the Disaster on Release Day, you have a solid Game for People interested In Tanning. One can only say at this Point ... Dear Development Team of "Actalogic" tests the Games thoroughly beforehand (!) learns from the Mistakes of previous Games such as the Agrar Simulator and makes it better otherwise your names will at some point only stand For "Trash Simulations" and that should not be the Goal. Spelling Error finds she is allowed to keep.