Red Dead Redemption posts

Ok was not expecting it to go like that.
This lady attacked me while escorting Charles. Game didn't let me hit her so I had to finish the mission like this
Does anyone else go to play GTA V and expect to be able to whistle their car closer?😂
Whenever I swap games my muscle memory always does something that can be done in one game and not the other.
Remembering my first playthrough and this being the coolest moment of the game up until this point
I'm new to RDR2, I just found this and I want to know will there be any boss fight with this shit later in the game.
That last slap was disrespectful.
Bitch couldve warned me at least
Why is this happening all the time? I play rdo for like a week and i always tie myself when i attack someone with lasso
I shot a store owner in the leg when robbing him. I came back a few days later to finish the job and discovered he had his leg amputated and replaced with a wooden one.
TIL to fear alligators even if you cant see them
So i was out in the swamps, killing gators for the "kill 9 predators on horseback" challenge. I spot a 3 star water snake and shoot it with my varmint rifle. I need one more skin for a camp upgrade so im pretty hyped. After having a thorogh check of the water with hunting sight everything appears clear so i wade in.I manage to grab the snake and turn around. And a huge alligator jumps out of the water trying to eat my face. I get it off me and manage to walk one more step before another one gets me from behind.Arthur is now food and the swamps got a lot scarier.
Forever inscribed in the history of this city
Forgot where I was fighting
Big whoopies