Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
"Red Risk" is a show in which prisoners of a certain prison voluntarily participate, who want fame, money and, ultimately, freedom.
"Red Risk" is a sea of blood, mutants, half-naked dancers, enclosed spaces and crooked controls from which you will burn. Are You ready for this? Then, "Welcome to the Red Risk Tournament".
There are 3 playable characters in the game, but only one is available At first.
A Girl named Alice, using a 12-charge pistol, which, at the push of a button, becomes automatic, and is able to release all 12 bullets in 1 second. Just have time to recharge. Recharge instantly.
Game Style-Keep your distance, push "Space" every 3 seconds, "R" every second and shoot everything that moves in your direction.
A Man named Walter using 1 rifle and moving faster than the others.
Game Style-Pedal to the farthest corner of the map, shoot, hit "R" 3 times per second and die, being clamped in the corner.
A Man named Jason. Has, increased in 2 times, health and an axe which can be beaten by a point, or on 360 degrees once in 2 seconds. Murder Machine.
The Style of the game-ruby-Cromwell and do not turn to the enemy backs! The Benefit of the curve of mechanics, sharpened more under the shooting, you in this will help.
So, "Ladies and Gentlemens, get ready for Round 1".
After Choosing a character, you are released into the arena, where you need, under a * * heavy sound, destroy waves of enemies that do not shine variety. Only a few species of ordinary mutants, a couple-three "slightly stronger", 3 Elite and 3 bosses. After the destruction of each wave, you will be given 1 unit of local currency, which can be spent on replenishment of the ammunition or full restoration of health before the beginning or during the next wave. Only Alice, and then a couple of times in a single test, uses this. Walter does not need ammunition because he dies before it runs out. Jason does, kills everyone before the axe can break. Your goal is to withstand 10 waves of mutants.
Also, the game has the following features, which I did not mention above: some pumping levels, but except, actually, the numbers of your level, it gives nothing.
8 different aren for killing mutants. To access them, you need to replay the already open arenas to get the rating points, which, having accumulated enough, can be used to battle on different locations. The Meaning of this is not enough, because waves of enemies are always the same, monsters come out always in a certain order.
With defeated enemies falling pills that will restore you a little health and drown your hunger and thirst. Why in the game the need for food and water, I completely understand, because to die of thirst or hunger, can only Walter, running all over the map from the crowd of mutants, because he is not capable of more. Also, satisfy the needs of the character, you can for local currency.
Total, I spent 10 minutes of my life writing a review to a curve podeliju with a bunch of unnecessary mechanics and unbalanced characters, to play which can only thank the excellent sound and support of the cooperative to 3 people. In Co-op, you may even get some fan, but it's a maximum of an hour or two. More Of This game is not enough. The price of the game justifies with a vengeance. I Recommend to familiarize yourself:)