Redemption in Purgatory
This game was developed during the Game Jam 2022.
Redemption in Purgatory is a short game with the theme "Death is just the Beginning". Having recently died and finding yourself at the golden gates to eternity, you have been found lacking in points to continue on. Being an avid gamer in your earthly life, an opportunity has arisen for you to redeem the extra points needed by defeating Aomet and his followers. There are twenty encounters to be defeated, each granting enough points to reach level 20 by the end.
This game is a simple click and point RPG style hack and slash. Primary gameplay is from the course RPG Core Combat that I recently completed from GameDev.TV All game mechanics are coded in C# using Unity.
Note - the WebGl download version has larger than normal cursors. I have fixed them so that they aren't so clunky but allows for a decent game experience in a browser without it being to distracting. The windows download does not have this issue.