Reflecting on Change

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NOTE: Run one of the .bat files if you have a high resolution screen or slow CPU, else it will be too slow!  ALSO: Don't give up! :)

"Reflecting on Change" is my first game, and was made in about 3 days as part of the Extra Credits Game Jam #3.  It is a game of mirrors and reflection.  It can be finished in about 90 seconds, but I expect most people will take 4-10 minutes.  It only runs on Windows, unless it works under some emulators.  The mouse is locked to the window, so to exit, press the Esc key or Alt+F4.

If it doesn't run for you on Windows, please let me know!  It might or might not need some Visual C++ runtime to be installed, but I don't know.

There's much to be improved about it, especially the slow performance, even on mid-range CPUs, and the poor graphical quality, but it is what it is, and I hope you enjoy it!  There's a photosensitive epilepsy warning, because the flashing of the slow redrawing on slower computers can get quite bad.

To mitigate the slow performance, please run one of the .bat files to run it windowed at a lower resolution if the default full screen is too laggy.

I have many ideas for a full game that could be made based on ideas from this game, but that will have to wait.

Thanks for playing, and have fun! :)

Neil Dickson

P.S. If you play randomly, there's about a 1/4 chance of finding the Extra Credits "Walpole" Easter egg.

Release date
Neil Dickson
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Mar 8, 2019

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