Relay Racer - Trijam 68.9
- Recommend to view in full screen mode
- Core game-play / mechanics took about 6 hours to finish. Art 4 hours.
- Music / Audio sound effects from a Artlist subscription I have
- Complete 3D track and painting done for game from scratch
- Physics / car controller I already had available
W = Accelerate
A = Turn Left
D = Turn Right
S = Brake
Hold Space = Boost
Things I ran out of time for:
- More levels with additional difficulty
- Custom models and materials for cars
- Additional vehicles types from hover cars to helicopters to expand on the relay racing idea
Other Notes:
- Learnt to apply a bit more event based coding patterns to game
- Learnt how to fix ngon and other mesh issues in Maya
- Learnt an approach for this kind of car game
- Learnt some more Cinemachine camera magic :D