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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
First of All, I would like to say that I do not want to make an unqualified Recommendation. Steam only allows the Dem up or down and I rather give the Game a Thumbs up when I'm undecided. To that I would like to mention that I played a Pre-release copy of the Game.
The Game is a "Walking Simulator." You are in Dreams trying to move from one dream to the next. All you can do is go and jump. The Gameplay revolves around your Ability to forget. This means that you can turn around and Things in the World change when you look again. As in spongy dreams just. In this Way you are trying to move from Dream to Dream. In total, it took me about 5 Hours to finish the Game.
This Mechanic of changing the World when you look away is both interesting and unique as well as monotonous and partly annoying. If you want to go from A to B in some Dreams, you basically do nothing but spin around to create the Way. It can also happen that you become a little nauseous. This was expressed in me especially in a Dream in which you have to go from Cog to Cog. These Gears spin while you're standing on there and you're of course spinning along. To this you turn to arrange the Gears correctly. After the Level I had to pause for an Hour and I normally do not suffer from such Problems.
Another Problem I had with the Game is the Way the Game punishes you if you make a Mistake. Sometimes you are only thrown back to the Beginning of the Current Level. Mostly, however, at the Beginning of the previous Dream. This can become, through the monotonous Gameplay, really annoying and frustrating. That there is no logical Solution in some Dreams (you basically find out how to proceed) does not help.
The art design is interesting and varied enough. Music serves its Purpose. I find the Soundtrack a bit mixed. Some Dreams Have beautiful matching music and with some other Dreams the Soundtrack doesn't fit.
There is basically no Story. This also makes it less tragic that there is no German Localization. The few Dialogue Cutlets Consist of Things like "Dreams are Memory" and the like. When asked in the Steam Forum if the Developer Needed help with Russian Localization, the Developer himself said that it would not be important to understand and I agree. The few Sentences in the Game, however, should be easy to understand with our school English.
Flashy Bugs or Crashes I didn't have any. Controller support is available (at least for the Xbox One Controller). You can re-occupy your Buttons if you want to.
On the Whole, I have no regrets about playing the Game. It's definitely an interesting and unique Experience. The Fruits of Throwing Back in the Dream Are disruptive and could make sure you might not finish the Game. The Lack of Story and Variety Doesn't help. I recommend the Game restricted. If you have Patience and Nerves, you will have an interesting Time with the Game. If I Had to rate the Game with a Number I would opt for a 6 (out of 10 possible).
For more Impressions of me with Gameplay, you can watch this Video: