It lacks nuance and it's not very bright, but its heart is on the right place.
I hope the people behind it learn to tie a game's message with its gameplay in their next projects.
I hope the people behind it learn to tie a game's message with its gameplay in their next projects.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Microsoft from Spain
Game Summary Replica is summarized as follows: "An interactive novel played through a mobile phone and social networks. The unhealthy experience of spying on someone's private life through the mobile will transform you into the greatest patriot of the State. "
Replica offers a short but intense experience, which is worth the screen of a mobile phone, a few apps, puzzles to decipher and an interesting script.
The Whole game is developed through a mobile phone, which we access from a cell of the government in which we are prisoners, that government has decided to move into action in the fight against terrorism to practice arrests of its own citizens.
Start the game We Are an ordinary citizen, accused of committing an outrage against the State, and we are locked in a cell as mentioned above, but we can win the freedom if we collect enough information from the phone That we have in hand to frame his owner. Which someone anonymous government tells us is a 17-year-old boy suspected of engaging in terrorist activities.
That's the thread of the Replica. The player must solve puzzles to discover and to blame the owner of the phone so he can win the freedom. But, in between, he is faced with many dilemmas and puzzles that he will have to solve.
A unique game The peculiarity of this title is that it gives free free to the player to try to get out of the established.
But Yes, a message at the beginning of the game tells us that all our steps are monitored, however, there is always a small possibility to try to circumvent the authority, but you have to walk with eye, as we end up in GAME OVER if we We went from smart.
In Addition the game connects very well with the reality of anyone who lives in the year 2016 as today we live much of our life through a mobile or a computer, and this title plays its cards with this, because it forces us to violate the intimacy of another person on the basis of putting ourselves in their digital skin, as a mechanism to generate empathy, but an uncomfortable empathy, not exempt from shame and feeling of guilt.
Perhaps one of the biggest problems he is facing Replicates the lack of ambition along his journey.
For Example the contact list of our phone is somewhat limited to our parents, our girl, some other friend, a teacher... And that's it.
The same applies to the applications that we have access to. These undisguised versions of Twitter and Facebook are worth the game from a narrative point of view but offer few alternatives for the player.
In the end, the feeling that you have left is that the game does not allow you to explore the life of that incarcerated teenager, ie the game only allows you to explore what you consider relevant to your plot.
And honestly, at times, I feel like being able to learn more about your family and friends than to keep making decisions, which directly or indirectly affect your future and your own.
Competition Seeing What we analyzed we see that this title is quite similar to "Her Story", for her mechanics, and even "Papers, Please", not only for the subject but for the emotional attachment that the player develops towards the characters.
But... does It Get to be placed at the level of the aforementioned titles? Under my point of view there is a couple of steps below as their script is more limited and lacks some depth which leaves you that feeling that could have gone further.
But beyond these drawbacks, few reproaches can be made, this should not be a reason not to give this great title a chance.
Conclusion An Essential Title, is interesting, entertaining and balanced. A modest and very humble production, which successfully crystallizes the idea of departure, which forces us to play using pencil and paper, and does so in today's terms, managing to maintain the player's interest until the resolution of all its finals.
Interesting story Pros.
12 possible finals.
Freedom of decision, which affect history.
It Connects very well with anyone who lives in 2016 Great language support Against a somewhat short title.
It Only lets you know what's relevant to the story.
History and applications could have gone further.
Score: 7.5/10