Reptilians Episode 1
Title: "The Night of the Reptilians"
Rated: Mature (Middle Violence, Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity)
Brief Description:
Strange things have happened after mass vaccination in 2050. They're here and they want the planet!
Your space carrier was shot down and your partner was killed too.
Some housewives of the island were taken by the reptilians and now they are hypnotized.
But be careful, The Reptilians can take human form and can become invisible, but their blood is not the same as ours.
Now you're alone on the island!
In this post-Apocalyptic environment with gloomy places, thick fog, strange noises and, appearances in the shadows, they want to haunt you.
Surviving at all costs will be your mission!
You must be worried.
Find a weapon
kill the reptilians
Find the keys
Find the walkie
Axes and Knives (No Guns game)
Flashlight, Nightvision, Walkie, and Keys.
The project is complete but might receive some updates.
Windows x86_64, and Mac OSX are available.
The game is planed as episodic and releases some DLC but I need more budget.
You can support the developer by donating what you want.
** For other versions like Windows x86 visit the Patreon page:
** For the version "Topless Girls" of the game visit the Patreon page and download it.