Use your creative skills to impress the local racoons by building sculptures using trash that the racoons brought to you.
What is ReSculptReSculpt is a casual mobile game where you gather trash and recycle it into sculptures. Find the rarest pieces, or combine multiple into complex shapes. Impress the local wildlife and they will bid on your creations. Spend your earnings in the Raccoon-run Junkyards sale to gain access to upgraded tools, or more decorations for your sculptures. What will you create?
How to PlayDownload the game and get going! Need help? Check the help screen in the settings menu.
The TeamNoah Östman Project ManagerAudio Design
Sabina Hallmén Project ManagerUI Design
Martin Zetterman Gameplay DesignQA
Oliver Lincke ArtistBackground & Props
Shai Panaga ArtistCharacter & VFX
Henrik Nilsson ProgrammerSculpting
Björn Johansson ProgrammerGallery
Jacob Lincke Music Composer
The processThis game was made in 10 weeks during the Project Course at Uppsala University.