Retaliation (itch) (yo_leris)

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This game is a roguelike done during the 7DRL Challenge 2022.

You are a warrior that believe he must give a chance to its opponent, and let them give the first blow. Therefore, you suffer stomach ache each time you gave the first blow, except when you face at least 3 opponents, which is a serious challenge, even for you. You can store power while waiting for your opponent. After 3 hits taken, you allow yourself to use secrets technique : one that pierce through several enemies, and a tornado movement that touch anyone around you. Good luck warrior !

You use the directional arrow to move around, and all the command are prompted on the left of the screen.

This game was developed on Linux, and I have no Windows OS installed to make a clean executable. I will try to make one in the next week (using wime) but I am not sure I will succeed.

For Linux user, download the linux archive, unzip and launch the game through command line.

For Windows user or other people that the previous archive did not worked, download the Retaliation archive, and use visual studio code to compiled and launch the game.Follow the instruction on the README file. Sorry about that, I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Mar 14, 2022

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