Retroactive was created for the Extra Credits Holiday 2018 Game Jam.
The theme was Preset - this game takes a twist on presenting things, the game presents the title and the title IS the game - How you may ask? Just play it!
Also - there's a beachball in the game - if i have to explain you wouldn't understand.
As you can see from the screenshots it is strongly influenced by the '80 retro-futuristic style, Synthwave/Outrun and the old intro for Jonny Quest.
The game is short - but I can see myself turning it into something more. If You feel like playing the game more - please leave a comment, or a dollar, that would get me motivated.
Maybe one day a future version of Retro-Active could be a 'Games You Might Not Have Tried'.
The source-code for this game is available under the GNU GPL license, if you want to run the game from source you will need to install Python 3.x and Panda3D