Revelation 21:6 NES

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NES example that shows the text of Revelation 21:6 made famous by the game Fallout 3. This was made by modifying the code found here

The License say's it can be Modified and Redistributed in any form so here it is.

I updated the original version to match as close as I could to the King James Version of the Bible, rather than the original being more close to the Text found in Fallout 3, but I left the original Rom Untouched.

Only the NES ROM Is available so no source code and I don't yet know how to set it up for HTML.

I modified someone else's code,  and converted it to NROM that is Mapper 0. Then I made a second Revelation 21:6 NES Example that uses a TextBox. This time it is in a Zip Archive that has the new NES Rom and a Table file that you can use with a Hex Editor like Translhextion to modify the TextBox Rom That I used for the second version. I had to change up the wording a bit to fit the Text in so it's not a Perfect Example but it works.

For the original version you are free to modify the files yourself and use them where ever or however you like.  For the TextBox or Second Version you should give a link back to here if you use it other than that you can freely do whatever you want with it.

Soon maybe I'll get on github and put the TextBox version on there with more of it's source, sorry there is no Devlog, I don't yet understand how that works,.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Oct 10, 2022

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