Rewind Game
Solo developed puzzle/platformer submission for the Brackeys Jam 2020.2: Rewind.
Reach the goal before getting caught by the purple time corruption. Use time as a tool for solving 5 levels of hand crafted puzzles and platform challenges.
Implemented over the course of 6 days from concept and artwork to coding to posting. All art, design, and code were done solo.
- unique rewinding mechanics giving player control over time
- custom 2D platformer physics engine
- custom color switching shaders
- custom character and environment artwork
Tools used:
- Unity 2019.3 + Text Mesh Pro
- Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Animate
- Texture Packer
- DOTween
- Raleway Google Font
Future work:
- add sound effects and music
- enemies and combat
- bugfixes around the physics engine.
- more level designs using implemented mechanics.
- improved narrative, theme, and name.
- fine tuning the current levels through playtesting.
- improved (cleaned up) artwork and new environments.