Ricks Hunter reviews

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More Reviews can be found on my Curator Page One rating for this Game was not easy, because the Game itself is a lot of Fun, but it also has a lot of Problems that can greatly reduce the Fun of the Game or even end in Frustration. But all in due Course. Gameplay First of all basic to the Game: Metamorfose S is a Metroidvania. This means a non-linear Map-building With a lot of Exploration. This Part also works quite well, you go from Area to Area and find more and more Skills with which more areas can be explored in which more can be explored again. Such a game Setup, of course, means a Lot of Backtracking. This is also present in this Game, but other Metroidvanias have many Teleporters that reduce Backtracking. In Metamorfose S there are a whole 6 Pieces and these are very far apart. They are also more likely to come to new Areas than to reduce Backtracking. In some cases, you can go through the entire Map several times from one Corner to the other in order to get to the nearest Area. This is not necessarily Fun to see the same Rooms frequently. Another big Problem is the Distribution of Memory points. These are also very far apart, so it may be that in two Areas together there is only one Storage Point, which is not necessarily in front of the Boss's Door. So you get weakened to the Boss Fight. After a Boss Fight, you are not fully cured, it means a Way Back to the possibly remote Storage Point. I was therefore allowed to make the Ice Boss 4 times until I made it back to the Storage Point. Cutscenes also can't be skipped. All this would be a little easier if there were enough healing Objects, but there are very few Potions in the Game and these do not come back. Means: No Healing Between Memory points unless you reach a new Level. All of This ensures that as a Player you don't necessarily Feel like exploring a lot, as you can very easily lose your Progress. One Point that I personally find still a bit difficult is the Movement in the Fight. You can't sit out of an ongoing Attack. Once deepened and you get a Counter-goal. Likewise, you can't move after a Hit for a short Time, you don't have a Hit Recovery. Especially in the Jump means that: First fall on the Ground, wait for a short time, continue. There is Also a Crafting System to get new Weapons and Armor. This is generally not more problematic, but especially in the first Third of the Game you lack important Materials to create needed things and make you feel very weak with some Opponents. In The later Course Of the game, this is less problematic and you can create the right Things. Graphic The Graphic consists of drawn 2D Sprites animated by 2D Animation tools. The Animation and Drawings do not have the highest Quality and especially the Faces of the Characters do not look good. Otherwise, the Levels are graphically Varied, even if the Walls are only angular. However, the Background is not too detailed. However, there is also a very big graphical Problem. In the Fire Area, an extremely disturbing Effect is placed over the Screen, which has a very distracting effect and belongs better away. Opponents The Opponents all look different and there are very few Recruits. However, these different-looking enemies often behave the same way. Most Of the enemies stop in place, wait for a moment to carry out their Attack. After that they wait again and the Player has a lot of Time to attack. The Opponents are not too much Of a danger in themselves, but they can quickly land a Hit due to the Somewhat sluggish Attacks of the Game character. The Bosses are better. These move and have different Attacks, but often always perform them in the same Order. Sound The Soundtrack is good and fits the appropriate Areas. The Songs can also be listened to again well outside the Game. The Sound Effects, on the other hand, are very weak and sometimes seem very cheap. Verdict A Conclusion to Metamorfosis S is very hard to draw. The basic Metroidvania Structure works, but is somewhat stretched by the missing Teleporters. Even the missing Healing Objects and Memory Points make exploring more dangerous than it should have been. Nevertheless, I had Fun with the Game and at the low Price you can take a look at the Game. The End can also be reached in just over 7 Hours with almost everything of exploration.