Ricochet Frisk
This takes the classic artillery gameplay where you control the angle and power of your shots to shoot other players and gives it the flow of a .io style where you fight other players to hold the top spot on the scoreboard. The timer at the top of the screen counts down to 0, at which point all players who have locked in a shot or jump will do their action. By attacking, surviving, and holding higher ground you earn points to unlock more weapons and abilities.
WASD - Angle and power of shot
Spacebar - Lock in action, X symbol at top of screen indicated if you are locked in
QE - Walk left and right
PMZ - Camera controls. P centers on player, M turns WASD controls to move camera and when pressed again locks camera in place, Z zooms camera out to show whole level or zooms back in.
- 896 x 512 pixel-based terrain destruction
- Random terrain generation creates hills, plateaus, platforms, pits and bridges
- 5 players per room
- 12 weapons and 4 abilities