Rings Of Testria
Rings Of Testria is a 2D style Metroidvania platformer having similar nods of Dante's inferno. You play as Josiah Aesir, a Sylph Alchemist from the Capital Galdom. You had felt a magical disturbance coming from the land of Vela, a small outskirt city in Testria. Vela is primarily known for its rich religious history and is considered by all of Testria as the center of every Testrian’s religious pilgrimage. Upon arriving Vela is in chaos, half of the city is in ruin and whoever is left has tried to rebuild with camps and outposts. But biggest of all, there is a massive sinkhole in the center of the city titled “The Calamity.” Josiah descends this sinkhole to figure out this disturbance, and comes across a massive demonic structure in the center, filled with grotesque monsters and dark secrets, and at the way bottom the one pulling the strings.