Riotous Railway

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It's only your first day as a Train Attendant, and the carriage is already on fire! Whatever you do, don't let the passengers find out! Keep them distracted so they don't realise the situation is OUT OF CONTROL.

Gameplay Instructions

It's your job to stop the passengers from panicking. Passengers will make requests of you. 

You can interact with a seated passenger by pressing Enter. You may need to:

Punch Tickets : Press Enter when the circles overlap. You only get 4 chances.

Pour Coffee: Press A/D to keep the keep the coffee pouring into the cup

Bring Snack: Press Enter, while holding your drinks trolley, or a dropped can.

You'll also need to:

Slap Passenger: Panicking passengers will run up and down the carriage. Press Space to slap some sense into them. Calm Passengers will return to their seat.

Bumps - Watch out for bumps along the track. When hitting a bump, it may become more difficult to complete a mini game. Snacks may also be flung from your trolley. Hold Space to pick them up and bring them back to the trolley.

Hills - Hills will cause loose objects, like Snacks and your Trolley, to roll around the carriage.


A/D - Move Left/Right

W - Hold Trolley / Can

Enter - Interact with seated passenger

Space - Slap panicking passenger

Known Bugs / Issues

  • In the build submitted for GMTK 2020, there's a few unfinished art assets. Cans are using the 'Ticket' sprite, and the trolley is a black square.
  • The trolley is unable to roll past Carriage 2, and will snap back into a different carriage if you drag it too far and release.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 13, 2020

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