Rise of the Bots VR
This game was created for the 2018 Spring UE4 Game Jam.
Team Sneaky Slapbags
Lawrence Morrison-Bartlett
Paulius Rumsa @slapunas
Jacqueline King @jakayaki
****THE GAME MAY FATAL ERROR ON JOINING A GAME. Restart and try again or play solo, you still need to press host button to play solo****
Two players recommended (Some mechanics might lock you out without someone to save you).
Tested on Oculus and HTC Vive.
Click MENU button on LEFT controller to access host/join multiplayer options.
COPY IP ADDRESS you want to connect to BEFORE launching the game - you can paste it in the menu then.
If connect doesn't work try port forward 7777 for host.
Menu also allows you to change comfort settings (locomotion/teleport or smooth/snap rotations)
- GRIP to transform hand into gun (default gun will be used if no cartridge inserted)
- TRIGGER to shoot, select menu options and pick up cartridges.
- Analog stick/trackpad area to teleport or move with locomotion
How to play
- Host/join another player. Step on elevator. Poke the button to start.
- Pick up cartridges with LEFT hand, slot them in right hand and GRIP to transform to weapon
- Kill adds, they drop HP packs or cartridges
- Kill boss, win the game. Don't die.
- Magnet bot locks you in place so you can't move
- Red bots explode
- Repair bots heal boss (Phase 2)
If you want to play by yourself, you still need to host a game and just poke the button on the elevator