Created and submitted for the game jam : A JAM ABOUT TIME hosted by Lone Rabbit
IMPORTANT NOTE : Go Full Screen or you won't be able to see all the text in introduction ! (you can still find the text below, see LONG STORY)
SHORT STORY : Mina, 16 years-old, her family, and all inhabitants from a far far away planet are enslaved in a mine to extract time ore (a special crystal with time properties). She wants to escape her dark fate, reach the outside of the mine, and free everyone.
- View : Mouse
- Move : WASD or ZQSD
- Jump : Space bar
- Run : Hold Left Shift while moving
- (un)set Weapon : E
- Aim : Right Mouse Button
- Fire : Left Mouse Button
- Time Ore : Return Key
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
Within the solar system Em-0265 containing a red giant star, there is the planet called ReveR-T. A telluric planet rich in various ores coveted by several merchant guilds. In particular, they heard about a rumor circulating among the guilds about the existence of a very peculiar ore holding amazing temporal properties, the "Time Ore". But the powerful and infamous SONORHC empire have a stranglehold on this planet and has enslaved its inhabitants which are forced to extract the precious ore. The inhabitants are confined inside the mines since more than 30 years and cannot see anymore the reddish gleams of their sun. Mina, 16 years old, has never seen this beautiful sun that her parents describe in their stories in the evening before sleeping. She wishes having the chance to see this sun at least once in her life but has no ideas how to escape this fate and this mine. However, since several days, the empire has not sent any collectors, they are employees which are responsible for getting the ores and especially the time ores. Nobody knows what this means and what to do. Everybody is so frightened by the empire that they even do not want to ascend the mine's levels to see what is going on up there. But Mina, who has been injured from a gas blast and has lost her legs and arms which have been replaced by cybernetic members, is decided to climb up to the main entrance of the mine. Besides that, she just found yesterday a very big time ore, bigger than any other before and she has hidden it inside her cybernetic shoes.
There are only 3 levels (very similar) but only Level 1 has been tested actively. Level 1 should not be easy but Level 2 and 3 might be much easier as I did not had time to adjust things.
know issue : (to be fixed), the mouse is not visible nor usable in the ending frame so you cannot read the full ending story and then click on NEXT nor END.