Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders achievements

Bold Advancement
You are now liked by the people of the Midlands because you achieved 50% Reputation there.
Break their Lines
You have become a folk hero to the people of the Midlands by achieving 80% Reputation there.
Summon the Reinforcements
You have become a friend to the people of the Midlands by achieving 60% Reputation there.
Scout the Enemy
You have announced yourself to the people of the Midlands by achieving 20% Reputation there.
Gather the Intelligence
Rumours about you have begun to spread around the Midlands because you achieved 10% Reputation there.
Drive Them Out!
Driving the Sheriff and his cronies out of Sherwood Forest and into the confines of Nottingham has made you his archnemesis.
I Speak for the Trees
You have done everything in your power to help the people of Sherwood Forest by achieving 100% Reputation there.
Take Aim!
You have become a folk hero to the people of Peak District by achieving 80% Reputation there
Knock the Arrows!
You are now idolised by the people of Peak District because you achieved 70% Reputation there.
Raised in a Barnsdale
You have done everything in your power to help the people of Barnsdale by achieving 100% Reputation there.
Settling In
You are now idolised by the people of Barnsdale because you achieved 70% Reputation there.
Bend the Bows
Rumours about you have begun to spread around Peak District because you achieved 10% Reputation there.