It's 12005 AD, board games have been long forgotten.
Robo, carefully created by a robot(im kidding) with ♡ (im serious), will fulfill your dream and bring a new genre of enjoyment into your life!
Submission For The 4th Gameshell Game Jam
Instructions:There are currently six power ups:
- Heal
- Diagonal movement
- Airstrike(bomb)
- Skip a turn(your opponent)
- Lightning
- Energy
Airstrike and Lightning are used to attack;
Energy is used to recharge your robot(each player starts off with enough energy for 15 turns each);
Heal increases your health to full;
Diagonal movement gives you the ability to move diagonally(once) in the next turn
Other:- Arrows to move, X to select and B to toggle between power up menu and movement
- Your robot will be disabled if health(hearts) or energy(circles) drops below zero
- Each circle/ball in your energy bar represent 3 turns
- Special blocks can only be stepped on once
- You can also disable the other player's robot by walking into it
- Reach your opponent's flag
Source code can be found by changing .love to .zip then unzip
In src/powerup.lua, do
- Draw a pixel art icon for your powerup(16 x 16 px)
- Load the power up image into love2d in the "powerup_imgs" table
- Write a function for your power up in the "use_powerup" table so the games knows what do when the power up is being used. Refer to the current power up functions for reference. Note, the self argument refers to the player instance.
- Thats it :D