Robot Mines
If the tutorial in game was unclear: basicly when you click on a ore it will be set as should be mined (but it will cost you) and the robot will as soon as he detects that ore mine it. He will mine all the ores of his color (you can see the color on the little dot on the robot) automaticly and you will get the money for it. Be carefoul that your robot doesn't get stuck and hasn't got any ores around him to mine. And note that if you buy a robot and enter the next cave it will count as stuck beacause you have not reached the finish with him.
In this game you have to guide a robot to mine the right minerals and the goal is to make enough money to buy 100% of a evil mining coorporation.
I made it for the WOWIE 4.0 game jam.
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed/will enjoy the game.