Rocket Riders (SmallGrains)
You and some other guy are in a spaceship, being attacked by aliens. Different colored UFOs do different things:
Green: Normal Bullets. 1 Bullet Per Shot
Red: Small & Slower Bullets. 1 Bullet Per Shot
Yellow: Normal Bullets. 5 Bullet Per Shot
Light Blue: Boomerang Bullets. 1 Bullet Per Shot
Purple: Bullets That Slow Down Over Time. 1 Bullet Per Shot
Dark Blue: Bullets That Explode Into 6 More Bullets Once. 1(7) Bullet Per Shot
Pink: Bullets That Explode Into 6 More Bullets Twice. 1(42) Bullet Per Shot
Gray: Bullets That Explode Into 6 More Fast Bullets Once. 1(7) Bullet Per Shot
Up and down arrow keys to turn the rocket up and down
Space to warp up/down depending on how much you are rotated(Yellow Bar)
Tap a UFO (Mouse0/Left Click) when the light blue bar is charged to launch it away
Red Bar is HP(4 In total, You will regen HP slowly)
IDK why leaderboard text broke :/ can't fix it
Leaderboard scores are saved in player prefs(File on the computer, at least on mac) Soo if you know where to find them then you can see the leaderboard.