# 🎮 🏝 RoguyIsleMaze
My contribution for the first <a href="">KorGE</a> - <a href="">GameJam</a>
📖 Story
Our four heroes wake up after a drunken night and have to find their way home.
Unfortunately they have lost their masks without which they are not allowed to enter their house anymore.
Your task:
1. Search for all masks - matching every character.
2. Find the right house for each player.
There are always four figures in the game:
(yellow, red, purple, black)
Join a group of up to five players and complete the task.
But it is not as easy as it looks. Each player can move any piece at the same time!
However, only a limited number of movement options are available to each player!
Only as a team can you complete the task!
Source code is available on GitHub: <a href="">RoguyIsleMaze</a>
Play in a team with up to five players. To run it with multiplayer support, first start the game server.
It's a separate project available here:
<a href="">RoguyIsleMaze-Server</a>
> Only works on the Javascript build