Roll of the dice
The RNG gods are in your favor !
They granted you the power to manipulate space and time !
Use it for the greater good !
But mostly to make the BEST! ROLLS! EVER !!!
Each level you have a bunch of objects to place to get the dice to the goal and have it end on the right face
You can see a preview of the future and reset the simulation to make your course perfect
Hold Right click to rotate the camera
- while holding, WASD to move (no AZERTY support, sorry fellow Europeans :( )
- while holding, Q & E to lower or raise the camera
- while holding, ALT to go in orbit mode
- while holding, Scroll to zoom in and out
Placing objects
- Select an object at the bottom of the screen by clicking on it
- Place it by Left clicking in the scene (there is a max distance, you might need to get closer)
- Unselect the object by clicking the bottom icon again
Select a placed object by clicking on it, you can now edit it
- while selected, DEL to delete the object and return it to your inventory
- while selected, W to bring the move tool
- while selected, E to bring the rotation tool
- while selected, R to bring the scale tool
- while selected, T to bring the universal tool
- Hold SHIFT to enable secondary use mode for some of those tools
- Hold CTRL to enable snapping
- while selected, X to toggle between world and local mode
Known Issues
- Camera in levels 1-1 and 1-2 starts inside the platform
- Levels 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 are unbeatable, the goal asks for a dice of value 0
- The gizmos can only be used if you click on the selected object, otherwise it unselects the object
- You can move objects while the simulation is playing, kind of a cheat, though doesn't make it trivial either
- Sometimes when reseting the determinism changes and the dice goes another route, reseting again eventually goes back to normal
- No settings whatsoever