Roll To Conduct
An thank to Roberto Mocci for the Dogica font.
An turn-base game where you control an entity that can roll dice to decide it action on the enemy.
ActionKeyKeep rolling diceRConduct action
SpaceDelete weapon toggle
How to play:
- Bottom left are your inventory you can click item in inventory to add/remove from action queue
- Action queue are above inventory it indicate which weapon will be use to roll dice on.
- When roll (by pressed R or first button to the right of inventory) it will begin stack up all weapon in queue's action (the action queue are now locked).
- Attack action are indicate by an blue sword below enemy to show damage that enemy will take.
- Heal actionare indicate by an healing icon below to player to see how many heath will be heal.
- When conduct action (by pressed Space or secondbutton to the right of inventory) all the action has stack above will be apply to enemy/player.
- Player could press X or third button to the right of inventory to delete any weapon not wanted.
- Enemy could drop weapon for player to use.