Roomba Ruckus
The answer, my dear reader, is simple. They're protecting their homes. You see, cats have been fighting an endless war for centuries against a nearly invisible menace:
Dust Bunnies.Every night, these mischievous little creatures rise up from the cracks in the floorboards to cause havoc, but our faithful felines stop them in their tracks.
In all this time, all the cats have been able to do is break even. They stop the bunnies, but expend all their energy for the day simply holding them off until the next. (Why do you think cats nap all the time? They're exhausted!)
Today, though, the tides turn in the cats' favor with the latest technology on offer.
Enter: The RoombaWith this dust-defeating droid, the cats don't need to lift a paw to protect their people! Finally, they can diligently defeat their fearsome foes!
Roomba Ruckusis a single-player obstacle-littered race against time. You play a roomba-riding cat on a mission to capture all the devious dust bunnies in the house.
Made in a week and a half for the OST Jam of January 2021, a challenge produced by the same folks behind the 2 Hour Album Challenge. Follow the link to find more amazing music, and consider purchasing the album to support foster cats in need!
Shinra Showdown – amphobius
Roomba Ruckus Title - MrJCowman