Rooms (Playdate)
Rooms (Playdate)
An interactive graphic novel on empty rooms by Nicolas Tilly and Orphéo Gagliardini.
Where do we live? And most important, with what?
Étant donné un mur, que se passe t'il derrière ?
Jean Tardieu (lu dans Espèces d'espaces de Georges Perec)
- Use the left and right arrows to navigate through the screens.
- Once in the rooms, use the A and B buttons to toggle between light and dark modes.
Nicolas Tilly: code & design
Orphéo Gagliardini: music & game cover design
This game was made during the summer of 2022 and its objective was to discover the game development on the Playdate. To find the articles on the development of the game, you can read the dedicated blog (only in French) .