Rotor Shift

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IMPORTANT: Please read the content below, as it provides crucial information including controls and instructions.

Rotor Shift is a fast-paced steampunk racing game, in which your goal is to become the best hovercraft pilot in the land by winning races and climbing up the hierarchy. Zoom past your rivals at blistering speeds, or destroy their vehicles with your weapons. Good luck, and don't lose (or die).

How to Play

Welcome to Rotor Shift.

In order to win a race, you must reach the finish and place the specified ranking or higher. Press W to accelerate and A/D to turn. Pressing S will slow down your vehicle, which is highly useful during tight turns. Touching blue pads will grant your vehicle a speed boost while touching yellow crates will reward you with ammunition. 

Bullets can be fired with the left mouse button, which can destroy enemies with three hits. Watch out for your own health, however, as losing all three of your hearts will result in elimination. Touching the water or any other hazards will also result in immediate elimination.

You can view a less detailed version of this in the game's menu.

Other Information

This game was made in a month for the Secret Santa Jam, as davestroyer's gift. It is still in a beta phase, however, so feedback is appreciated.

Thanks for playing!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Dec 20, 2021

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