Round Robin Rifle

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This game was developed for Wonderjam 4

Round Robin Rifle

You and your opponents are placed in an arena, and you all must use the same rifle to kill each other. The rifle has infinite ammo but a very strong recoil, so each shot makes it fly out of your hands for anyone to grab.

Being the last man standing is important, but getting a high score is also important. If you see an opponent targeting another opponent, push him out of the way so you can later get the kill for yourself.

Controls Keyboard+MouseGamepadRunWASDLeft Stick
ShootLeft Click
Right Trigger 1
Right Trigger 2
JumpSpacebarSouth Face Button
PauseEscapeStart Q&A
  • Why is the standing animation so weird?
    I wanted the right arm's position to be fixed so that I don't have to coordinate the rifle's position with the animation.
  • Why is there no gamepad support in the HTML version?
    Because gamepad support in WASM sucks, and at least on Firefox when the right thumbstick was at rest it was interpreted as not-at-rest which was very annoying - so I disabled it entirely.
  • This is not how Round Robin works!
    Tell that to the guy holding the rifle.
Release date
Aeon Felis
Age rating
Not rated

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Round Robin Rifle screenshot, image №3828682 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Mar 17, 2023

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