Rules and Instructions
This is the demo for Rules and Instructions, a short visual novel/adventure game where you play as a newly hired custodian on the night shift at the local zoo. To better demonstrate the scope of the game, the demo puts you in the role of the position's previous occupant as they complete their final night of work. The demo streamlines some of the exploration, puzzle-solving, and time-management aspects of the game so that new players can be better introduced to the game's setting.
The demo has some easter eggs for those prone to exploring, but nothing too spectacular. There are two primary endings, one of which has minor variations depending on the actions taken by the player. This demo is still in development, and will likely have an expanded version in the near future.
The game runs on a custom-made engine powered by C and SDL2, and uses entirely original assets. Full credits are provided in the file credits-full.txt
Currently, the demo is only available for Windows, but I intend to make Mac and Linux versions as well. If you encounter any problems running the game, please let me know and I will do my best to help.