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A creature called Lien stranded in unknown planet alone with his broken rocket. Lien spent a month to find the components needed to fix the rocket and finally Lien success to repair it. But there is one final problem, when Lien tried to find the material to refill the rocket fuel, Lien lost the rocket key so Lien can get in to the rocket. The gas in Lien's helm are limited and now it only can save for 1 minute used. In that limited time, Lien must find the key and get back to the rocket as soon as possible.   



Run-A-Way is a simple 2D platform game that requires the player to reach some location in a limited time. The goals is to find a key to open the rocket. The challenges are the route that player need to passed has some horizontal or vertical gap that only can be reach by using boost from jet pack and it  has limited-but-rechargeable fuel. This game only contain 1 tutorial level and 2 challenge level with the time given is 1 minute to finish each level by finding the key and reach the rocket location.

This game includes three diversifier provided by the CSUI Individual Game Jam of 2020:

  1. Night of Fire 
    (Implementation of max time limit mechanism in the game)
    In this game, as the Lien you have time limit (1 minute exactly) to find the key and access the rocket at the specific location. If the times running out, then the game will be over.
  2. Position Zero
    (Implementation of leaderboards that can be access online)
    Total time that you need for finding the key and go to the rocket will be saved online via dreamlo. The leaderboards menu will provide only top 5 best time each level that all user who playing this game can get. 
  3. "Aku ingin terbang bebas di angkasa" 
    (‘Flight’ is a way to moving the character)The distance between the route that needed to be taken or the high-gap between one route to another way can not be reach by just jumping but we needed the jet pack to boost us to that specific location. But the jet pack has the fuel limit so we can not always fly in the air.


How to play:

If this is your first time playing this game, please play the tutorial first and read the instruction for best experience.

  • Press the "Right" ( → ) or "Left" (  ← ) button to move the Lien
  • Press the "Up" ( ↑ ) or "Space" button to use the boost (limited to fuel)
  • Press the "Down" ( ↓ ) button to charge the jet pack fuel faster.
  • Extra tips: try to tap-tap the "Up" ( ↑ ) or "Space" for higher boost.


Source code:

You can access the source code for this game here.


Asset used for background:
  • "Space background with landscape planet"  by Upklyak
  • "Space game background neon night alien landscape" by  Upklyak
  • "Earth view night from alien planet neon space"  by Vectorpouch
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Nov 2, 2020

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