Rune Brothers
Designed and Created in 1 Week
The objective of the game is to be as close to the center as possible.
To achieve this objective, the player must stand on the two plates (coloured circles) on the outside of the circles (Purple circle). These plates will glow yellow when stood on. When both are stood on, the circle will break and you will move closer towards the centre.
To gain the most points, stand as close to the center as possible without the players touching. When the players touch, the circles expand at a greater rate.
The timer in the top right corner counts down to zero and the score on the top left counts up every 3 seconds.
This game was designed to meet these requirements:
The player must be simultaneously controlling 2 avatars.
○ You may use any control scheme you like, but it cannot be gesture-
● The player's only direct interaction is movement of their avatars.
● Avatar proximity must inform a core mechanic.
○ If the 2 avatars touch, the player is penalised in some way.
○ As the avatars draw closer the player is rewarded or benefitted in some
● A gameplay session is exactly 2 mins.
● There is no death.
● Game must be real time.