Runt Tabletop Roleplaying System

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Want to break into a heavily guarded bank to steal a mafia leader's diamonds with your coworkers, but only have an hour free on your lunch break?

Compelled to haul illegal goods across the vast expanse of the united galaxies while avoiding the Intergalactic Police, but too intimidated to learn a whole new complex set of rules to do it?

Ever wanted to delve deep into the tombs of Aa'tagon Ruu and slay the ancient dragon guarding its vast treasures, but you're someplace where rolling dice and breaking out the character sheets is a bit too cumbersome?

Runt is an 10-page rules-light, materials-free and genre agnostic tabletop roleplaying system designed for 2+ players. It features simple, freeform mechanics which are easy to internalize, allowing a greater focus on the story, world and experience and less fiddling with complex rules or remembering intricate systems. It also requires no materials to play: no dice, no character sheets, no cards, nothing! This allows a game of Runt to be portable and be played whenever you're in the mood for a game.

It's designed for one shots and short campaigns, but there's no reason it can't be used to host long term experiences with either. Additionally it's a genre and setting agnostic system, so you can play whatever experience you want to explore wherever you want it to happen!

The Runt Guidebook is a 10 page black and white, printable .pdf that contains all the rules players need to know for running a game in the Runt system, such as:

  •  Consent Systems  - an introduction on how to keep Runt fun for everyone
  •  Character Creation - including rules for equipment and Unique Abilities your character may have
  •  Rules on "Challenges" - a step-by-step walkthrough of Runt's simple resolution mechanic
  •  "How To Host" - a quick primer on how to get in the mindset of Hosting a game in the Runt system
  • Printable One-Page .pdf - all the rules on one handy sheet!
  • Character Sheet Templates - to track your character details and keep tabs on your wonderful companions!

Runt uses the Anti-Capitalist software license:

Release date
Devon Wiersma
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 11, 2020

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