Rusted Warfare - RTS reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Supreme Commander in old C & C/KKND Graphic < 3 Price also Top! *.*
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Microsoft from Deutsch
A Nice RTS suitable for Beginners and Veterans. For Lovers of the genre especially recommended to C & C Fans-
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Microsoft from Deutsch
En beautiful 2D Strategy Building up game, A Mix of Supremecomander and C & C 1-4, unfortunately only 50% translated into German.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Simples but very entertaining RTS game in the Stalk of a stripped-down Command and conquer. Game principle reduced to the most necessary and still crisp.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Plays out like Supreme Commander ... Absolutely recommended ... This is partly because there will soon be a Workshop ... Absolutely fair Price (5 Euros), current Development of the Game continues ... Buying directly 2 Copies because you can play it in the Co-op against the NPC ...
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Great Game, fun and entertaining. It's a strong reminder of C & C after all and I like that. I played on "EASY" and yet it seemed very challenging to me, I'm excited to see what's happening on Hard:-) I would say 5 Euros are well invested. Unfortunately, just Game Music and no Sound.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Doesn't work, constantly displays error message ... Should it work, a black screen will start to play. Visually it looked when it went quite cool. Unfortunately, I cannot say anything more about it. Such a small improvement, works when you exhibit full picture. Game is cool you have many buildings and units.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Supreme Commander Demake The Game is in Principle Supreme Commander Only in 2D with a bit of C & C in it. Even the experimental Units were taken over, for example, Fatboy. A few Simplifications have been made here and there, so there are no more Shield Bells, no Electricity and only 2 tech tiers left. For me, the Question is always why you should put this when the old Original is better in every Way. The old Formula still works well here, so it's fun. But if I have more than one Calculator available, I can also gamble the more complex Supreme Commander.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Taxing: (8/10)-Control goes well out of hand-Hotkeys & Automations Menu: (8/10)-very clearly Gameplay: (9.5/10)-large Four-degree variety units & Buildings-liquid Game Flow-varied Graphics: (5/10)-Enough Perfomance: (10/10)-even with Hundreds of Units no Rucklers! Maps: (8.5/10) AI (6.5/10) Music: (5/10) Community: (8/10) Fun factor: (9/10) Fun factor with Friends: (10/10) Mods: Yes cross-platform multiplayer: Yes-Android suitable with Windows & Linux System: [x] Low [] medium [] high-end [] Hell Machine 8 Who loved Command & Conquer , will love that too! Clear Buy recommendation.