RYB Legends
Red beats Blue
Blue beats Yellow
Yellow beats Red
Thats the foundation of RYB Legends, a top down shoter focused on choosing the right weapon for the right situation.
Explore a small open world and expand your arsenal of weapons to try on an army of slimes and a even a few bosses.
Assets by other creators
Super Retro World Tileset by Gif
Magic Spells Soundeffects and RPG-Dungeon Sounds by Cafofo Music
Menu SFX Pack by Hitrison
Ludum Dare 30 - Track 6 by Abstraction
Ludum Dare 30 - Track 7 by Abstraction
Ludum Dare 32 - Track 3 by Abstraction
VGMA Challenge - July 28th by Abstraction
Bosstrack by Bozak
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Jun 7, 2021
Where to buy