Safe Harbor
A storm rolls in over the bay as dusk turns to night. Your captain is out cold and you need to navigate treacherous, rock-bristled waters with only the nearby lighthouse to guide you. Can you find your way back to safe harbor? Controls: Click on the buttons on the UI to move around the boat. While at the wheel, use [A] & [D] to steer the rudder left and right. While at the sail, use [W] & [S] to raise and lower the sail and use [A] & [D] to turn the sail to catch the wind. Objective: Get to the lighthouse before you crash into too many rocks. Whenever you do crash, another part of your boat will break, and you’ll have to fix them by clicking on the UI. Without sails you won’t accelerate, without the rudder you can’t steer, and without the lantern you can’t see.
Created for the 2021 Global Game Jam