Sakura Branch Generator
Create a procedurally generated Sakura Branch based on an input stroke!
- Click and Drag to create a gesture. Release to generate the branch.
- Tab will toggle whether or not to animate branch growth.
- Esc to Quit Application
This is done by taking the input stroke and converting it into a simple polyline with the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. This simplified polyline is then tranlated into the base rule of an L-system.
Had a lot of fun making this! Sorry for the late entry!
macOS instructions:
If you get a "This Application can't be opened" error message, go to terminal and type in:
chmod +x /path/to/*
(where /path/to/ is the path to the downloaded application)
Shoutouts to the following Unity Assets:
- Shapes
- UniTask
- DOTween
My Twitter:
Shoutouts to dkamm for helping with ideation and rubber duck debugging.